Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Local human rights issues

Bloggers Unite

So I am going to digress from my normal blogging about our farm and it's animals and plants and talk about my "day job" and its implications.

I am a pediatrician and can speak English and Spanish.  Because of this I have attracted a lot of Spanish speaking families into my practice to the point where it is now about 90% in Spanish.  I really enjoy this.  People really seem to appreciate being able to talk their native language that they are more comfortable in.  I feel good helping these children with their health issues.

I do know that there is a lot of racism and classism regarding immigration now and probably always has been.  I feel it's detrimental for these American born children to be subjected to this as I sometimes see them lose self esteem and then develop risky behaviors as they grow older because of this.  I want to remind people that most of us are from immigrants in this country, and many of our immigrant ancestors were poor, illiterate and didn't speak English.  Many of them took low wage jobs to support their families and were looking for a better life.  Many of them found this better life.  I know this is all true in my family.  

I just people to stop being hateful and stereotypical.  I am seeing very hard working families that care about their children and their future.  I also see a wonderful cultural diversity here and would love to see more tolerance.  I'll get off my soap box now, but this is my local human rights issue.

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