So lambing is finally done, and tonight we will get to sleep 8 hours for the first time in over one month. Sheila, our shaela older ewe, delivered her final set of lambs at 1 AM. She delivered twin black lambs with some white markings. I am assuming that they will be modified like she and the sire (Jocko, our mioget ram). But the ram lamb has a few white hairs in his ear and a spotted tongue. His scrotum is dark though. I am wanting to keep one of them, and I would prefer it be the ram if he is in fact modified. And I need to decide quick for potential buyers too. Anyways they are being called Shaun and Shirley- Shaun the Sheep cartoon characters.
We apparently also had bunnies born last night. Ma Bell was supposed to deliver today, and I forgot to tell Tom to check the nest box yesterday while I was a t work. So this morning I found 6 cold bunnies in the nest box. Their tummies appear full so I am not sure what happened. I warmed them, and one of them came to life but no such luck with the others. So naturally once again I feel horribly guilty about screwing up and having a newborn die because of it. It is hard to get used to this feeling and really is a downside to this farming thing.
Even though I got almost no sleep last night at work I had to bring the goat kids to the vet to be disbudded. I have him do it with sedation and local anesthesia because I feel he does a much better job than I and it is more humane. So to me it's worth the expense. So right now I have 10 sedated goat kids laying around my living room, and I am making sure they keep breathing and wake up OK. It is very much like a recovery room in here.