So I have had a long morning. I was concerned about Angie, our boringly named Angora doe, all night. She was standing all night, squatting frequently, and showing a lot of movement over her uterus but never showed signs of contractions or a water bag. So finally this morning I examined her and thought I felt a head but no water bag. Then I got really concerned and watched her for 30 minutes. No progress so then I examined her again- this time I felt two sets of front feet and they both felt like they were in a bag with water. So then Ifelt a little better, left her for another 30 minutes during which time she finally starting contracting. Here's a photo of her just before she delivered- I have never seen a goat so huge.
Then she delivered her fist kid- it looks to be a dark brown doeling but there's a patch of missing skin on her side. I do not think my exams should have caused this. I know that with people you can have cutis aplasia, but it looks more like an injury to me. I am just not sure how she could have been injured like this.Then Angie delivered her second kid, and it's what I have always wanted- a red fiber goat! I have been coveting red Angora goats for a long time but never found one for sale. I have tried now three times to breed Angie to produce a red kid and have gotten black and brown instead. So I am absolutely thrilled. It's a little buckling so that leads to the decision of whether to keep him intact or not. I do not see a need at his time to breed him in my herd but at least I have some weeks to decide what to do.
Angie took good care of both of them, but they could not figure out how to nurse so finally I milked one side out and bottle fed Mr. D. (the red buckling). While I was doing this Lady Jane (the brown doeling) figured out how to latch on with a little help. So both should be just fine.
I was surprised Angie only had two kids but since each one is about 3 times the size of Saphie's kids that probably explains Angie's large abdomen. I took more photos when they were dried off and cuter, but I guess they did not come out. I will eat some breakfast and try again. Sleep deprivation is not a wonderful thing. I will post their new photos on the goat web page at
Oh My Gosh Congratulations! I'm thrilled for you.
Thanks- I defnitely am too- much better photos on the goat web page though!
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