So after animal chores, the first project of the day was to get the llama maintenance done. She needed her toes trimmed, her wool sheared, CDT shot and worming. So Tom attached a new stronger piece of plywood to the stanchion, and I caught and haltered Fancy. I managed to get her in the stanchion and proceeded to trim and shear her, as best I could.
She tried to jump out, lay down and whined the whole time. She had a large green ball of cud ready to spit at me if I was stupid enough to walk in front of her- which I wasn't. We both survived the experience without any injuries for which I am thankful. Then she was freed and ran back to her sheep and goat buddies.
Then I took new updated photos of the goat kids still for sale: Athena,
and Sugar Magnolia.
I am still trying to find good homes for them. The economy appears to have affected goat kid sales but not lambs nor wool- interesting.
On the way back from the barn I watered the plants in the green house, admiring a lot of large green tomatoes- I hope they ripen soon. I noticed that the garden is growing well, is fairly well weeded and pretty. The majority of the corn was definitely knee high by the Fourth of July.
Then I cleaned up, had lunch and made cottage cheese for the first time. I have been making chevre (soft goat cheese) and yogurt for a while, but this is my first attempt at cottage cheese. This is the cheese in a cloth, dripping whey.
And here's the final product.
It taste good- although different from store bought.
My grandmother worked in a cottage cheese factory when she was a young woman and never ate cottage cheese again. Hopefully I will not have the same experience with my little home-factory.