Thursday, December 17, 2009


So yesterday we had the visit of a Department of Ecology official. We are in the Samish watershed, and there is a push to decrease contamination of this watershed because of periodic closures of Samish Bay shellfish harvest and increased coliform levels in its rivers and streams. It is all spelled out in the

Samish Bay Watershed

Fecal Coliform Bacteria

Total Maximum Daily Load

Volume 2 – TMDL and Water Quality Implementation Plan

August 2009

Publication No. 09-10-019

So I read this 150 page document, and we are seemingly in compliance with all that is in there. We have our animals fenced away from any streams, and we have gutters on our barn to collect rain water. We do not have stored manure piles. We are (what I thought) was the kind of people Skagit County would like to support. We came into to this very dilapidated property and put in a lot of hard work and money to fix it up. We are involved in agriculture which is what Skagit County is supposedly trying to support. We pay our taxes and do not get in trouble. So I was hoping this visit would go well.

Naturally it did not. He waltzed in here and tells us about all these government officials that can help us with developing our farm plan, help with pasture management, and improved weight gain in our animals. He told us about grant money available to comply with regulations for fencing, pipes, engineered designs. Then he said we had to fence off our animals 35 feet from the front ditch line on the road. He said we could use electric fence, and it could be down during the grazing season but would need to be up by August 15. August 15th!!! That is the driest day of the year. And electric net fencing is not safe in my opinion for horned animals. I lost my first Shetland ram Loki to an electric net fence. He then pointed out that we had dug a trench in one of our 7 fields which drained into the ditch from a pasture where animals are (three small sheep). But we said we could fill in this trench and keep the animals out of this pasture once breeding season is over next week.

At this point I pointed out what I think is our real water pollution issue- the drainage from the development behind our property that floods our fields when there is heavy downpours. We believe this drainage through a culvert onto our property to be illegal because we have the original survey showing no culvert, the ditches designed for the drainage, and that all drainage from the development must be contained. There is not drainage easement for our property, and this is not a natural waterway but a man made one. We have tried to talk to the homeowners association of this development, but the president does not return our calls. We even talked to a lawyer about this. Well, this Department of Ecology official said he cannot regulate clean water drainage, but he does have authority over erosion. This culvert goes out from the road above our place at least 10 feet into the air and then free-falls down onto our land causing a lot of erosion. The bottom is also rotted out so some of the water runs under the culvert undermining it and the road. So this government official started talking about putting a wall in on our property to control the erosion! Not the solution I was looking for.

part of the culvert on our property
"clean" water draining from the culvert on our property

So I do not want a farm plan, I do not want government officials on our land, and I do not want their money. I also do not want to pollute Samish Bay nor do I want to break the law. So we will put up the electric fencing (although I may not turn it on), fill in our trench and in the meantime move the rams to the far back field (where it is a lot harder to care for and protect them). And I really hope this is adequate. Because if this official states we have to put in 50 foot buffers all around our property we are done for. And that will be the end of Schoonover Farm. (and why I am awake at 3 AM)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas trees

So we have two Christmas trees. This first one we saved out of a barn that was about to be demolished. The property belonged to a woman for many decades, and she was being forced out by expansion of the road. We were taking the siding off the barn before it became landfill, and she said we could have whatever we wanted inside. So we took some farm tools, water crocks, etc., but we found a green plastic sack with this tree in it. It is quite funky. Tom was strongly stating that this should be our only tree this year, but I guess I am a traditionalist and want a real tree.
So we did in fact bring the top of the spruce tree that fell on our house inside our house as our Christmas tree this year. It is funky in its own right, but personally I think it makes a good tree. Plus maybe it gets rid of a little of the bad juju this tree gave us last month. What do you think?

Friday, December 11, 2009

Beef and cold weather progress

So yesterday after a meeting down south, I picked up the beef from the butcher. I do not know if you can see it in the photo, but my little commuter car is really loaded down and completely stuffed with meat.
We stuffed what we could into our two freezers in the garage and then made an emergency run to Tom's parents to put the rest in their freezer.
Today it continued to be cold. It is taking its toll on some of the critters. Clara is an older goat, and she was shivering today. I briefly brought her in the feed shed and fed her extra grain. Then I put an old sweater on her, and it seems to have helped.
Then Tom and I worked on making a barn door. He says it takes twice as long to do work in the cold, and I think he's right. We only got one door done where I thought we might get both finished.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Baby, It's Still Cold Outside

But I am trying not to complain. There are others out there who have dealt with high winds, much colder temperatures and frozen water pipes so we are doing just great!
Here's the sheep beds from last night. You can see the oval spots without frost and the poop on one end. It always amazes me that the sheep never use their barn at night. The goats, donkeys and chickens definitely do.
Here's our eldest ram Jocko on ice.
Here's our tough frosty ram lambs.
And here's the sunrise at 9 AM, merely 17 hours after sunset. Maybe it will warm above freezing today (unlikely).
INJURY UPDATE: My skin is almost back to normal. The color is good, but it is thickened and has somewhat diminished sensation still. And I wore my snowshoe pants out to do critters this morning.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

The lowest temperature I saw today was 16 degrees, but it sure felt colder. I waited until the afternoon to do critters to give the sun more time to thaw things. My plan did not work. Here's the ice we have been braking out of one of the tubs all week, and the chickens patiently waiting for the liquid kind of water.
Here's the goat's tub of "water".
Here's out hose frozen in what used to be mud/
Here's a bucket of "water" from inside the barn.
Here's a phoenix rooster that Tom may have saved last night. He said he couldn't walk and was found laying outside last evening. Tom put him in this kennel with a heating pad, food and water, and he is walking around now. I was fully expecting to find him dead this morning. He'll stay on the heating pad again tonight.
Here's the goose/duck "swimming" pool.
Here's a gate frozen into what was mud last week.
So all of the above has made our lives more difficult. Where it usually takes 1/2 to 1 hour to do animal chores, now it takes 3 hours. And it is exhausting. I did manage to have almost enough hoses unfrozen to give water to everyone- I did have to bucket for the far two fields. Afterward I used gravity to drain the hoses, put them on fence posts and then blew them out. This usually gets the water out so they can stay open for use.
And here's the sun going down at 3:45 PM. It is going to be a long, cold, dark night.
So I came in after these chores and took a hot shower. The hot water became ice cold by the time it hit my feet. I have never had that happen before. And I think I have early frost bite on my thighs. The skin there is red, swollen and has decreased sensation. I was wearing a thick sweaters, wool socks, thick boots, gloves and a hooded Carhartt coat but only jeans on my thighs. So let this be a lesson to you all- cotton kills- wear your long-johns! I sure will now!

Cool chicken nest boxes

Check out these cool chicken nest boxes at I would like to win one!

Shaun the Sheep "Off the Baa"

Shaun the Sheep clip "Save the Tree"